Water And Wastewater Analysis
- Industrial Effluents
- Domestic Effluents
- Potable water, Ground water, Surface water
- Distilled/ Demineralized water
- Drinking water analysis
- Package drinking water
- Package Natural Mineral water
Our Aim, Your Satisfacation

Chemical And Physico-Chemical Testing Of Pharmaceuticals
Physico-chemical determinations
- Acidity & Alkalinity
- Water (By KF Titration)
- Loss On Drying (Hot Air Oven)
- Solubility In Water
- Solubility In Solvent
- Clarity And Colour Of Solution
- Residue On Evaporation
- pH
- Water /Acid Soluble Matter
- Water /Acid insoluble
- Weight /ml(Density)
- Relative Density / Specific Gravity
- Conductivity (Solution Form)
- NaOH /HCl /H2SO4 Titration
- Tetra Butyl Ammonium Hydroxide
- Iodometric/ Iodimetric Titration
- EDTA Titration
- Cerric Ammonium Sulphate / Nitrate Titration
- Argento Metric Titration
- Non Aqueous Titration
- Titanium Chloride Titration
Assay & Identification Test
- GC
- Chromatographic tests
- Identification of active
- ingredients and impurities
Water Analysis
- pH
- TS/TSS /TDS/ Conductivity
- Hardness
- Chloride /sulphate /Nitrate/Phasphateetc
- Total Alkalinity
- Ammonical Nitrogen
- Nitrogen Total
- SiO2 Content
- Phenolic Compound
- Oil and Grease
- Organic Matter
- Fluoride
- BY Chemical Reaction Colour Change
- BY GC(Retention Time Matching)
- BY HPLC (Retention Time Matching)
Limit Test
- Limit test of Chloride, Sulphate, Nitrate etc.
- Arsenic Limit test
- DMF Preparation
- Thrid Party audit
- Analytical Method Validation
- R & D Projects

Its customer’s responsibility to check the validity before issue of work order and satisfy himself in all respects.
Its mandatory for customer to declare beforehand if any sampling and analysis is being done for legal purpose.
Service at your doorstep
- Collection of samples from Ankleshwar, Panoli, Jhagadia & Dahej & response within 24 hrs.
- Test reports through e-mail for privileged customers.
- Special discounts to regular customers.
- Maintaining integrity and confidentiality